New York Dream

by The Pirate

New York Dream undeniably this is a masterpiece of first-rate music. The artist’s performance is unbelievably matchless and the listeners will find the gravity of his talents when listening to this song. The Pirate is based in New York City. Pirate recently escaped the dictatorship in Nicaragua by speaking out about the atrocities he witnessed by the hands of the government. He wrote a song, Insurrection, and that put a target on his back. He fled by foot to the US border and was detained. They eventually allowed him over the border because he stood out from the 1000s of other immigrants trying to do the same thing, find freedom. He is one of the lucky ones, and the US government granted him asylum. His story is inspiring to remind us that we are almost all immigrants, and he is beyond grateful to be here in New York City. It’s a New York Dream.