Pony on Wheels

by Josh Arnold

Josh Arnold is a songwriter, performer, and music producer with more than 20 years of industry experience. This awesome soul comes from Nashville. He has released three albums with ABC Music and won a Golden Guitar at the Australian Country Music Awards. Josh has composed music of various genres, and his songs have been featured on television programs around the world and played nationally on radio stations throughout Australia. Josh works with schools, small towns, and various organizations to create original songs and music videos for his production company, Small Town Culture.

The artist Josh Arnold proves once again that his vocals were born to perform in the Country pop and country rap with this brilliantly energizing and infectious new anthem, “Pony on Wheels”. This track “Pony on Wheels”, with its organic vocals and similar live orchestra, evokes a sense of classical success while being able to stand out fresh in songwriting and genre. The live-style orchestra has a sense of classical success and stands out as a novice in songwriting and genre.

Josh Arnold’s precise lyrics touch the hearts of listeners, especially those who love country music. This song is an additional reason to be proud of listening to them. When the song begins it gives us an unexplained feeling. And after a few minutes, josh spread his powerful voice with powerful music. The music and arrangement of this track are perfectly combined. Josh Arnold has a very clear voice. A clear voice is very important for a professional artist. I think you probably will be addicted to this song.

The melodious soundtrack is rapidly mesmerizing, with a clear cut of the sweet imperfection, a vanguard voice and a massive drowning escape subtly guided by despair. This arrangement is also innovative, heavier than expected, and all of this skillfully balances the quality of popular songwriting with a clear boundary of creative freedom. “Pony on Wheels” is a song that highlights an artist who is completely immersed in the present moment, and the result is a song that gives listeners the same opportunity.

Josh Arnold

Josh Arnold

i.S. the WizARd a.k.a. Manoj V. Mathew